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Izazov - Changing The Story BIH

IZAZOV! combines filmmaking with youth activism. It is a project that aims to support young Bosnians to increase their visibility and engage with youth civil society networks.

In the Bosnian context, where there are few opportunities for engaged young activists to amplify their voices, Izazov will build the skills of young people to extend their networks, communicate their concerns and in the long-term, to build solidarity with other young regional change-makers.

We aim to develop the process further to other countries in wider Europe making this web site an open film forum for documentary film makers by young activists who want to engage through a wider platform. The site is linked The Complete Freedom of Truth youth led web site and its extensive network.

IZAZOV! is a P2 Changing the Story project.  Changing The Story is a four-year international, multi-disciplinary project which supports the building of inclusive civil societies with, and for, young people in post-conflict settings. It is a collaborative project between universities, INGOs, artists, grassroots civil society organisations and young people across the world, asking how the arts, heritage, and human rights education can support youth-centred approaches to civil society building in post-conflict settings across the world.  

Izazov! is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Global Challenges Research Fund.  Izazov! partners are King’s College, London, the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology and Opera Circus.  The project has developed out of findings from the AHRC/GCRF-funded [Art and Reconciliation] and [Opera Circus’] project work in BiH.