There will be more information shortly on the TCFT and Opera Circus web sites/social media.
Led by young people from the UK and Bosnia.
29th October
A day of conversation and activism for Human Rights and the Rights Respecting programme for Children and the Town through Forum Theatre, Spoken Word, Photography/film and Painting. 10 – 5 Bridport Town Hall with David Powell, Rosie Russell, River, Rory Newbery, Shaniqua Benjamin, Ricky Romain and others. TBA.
Maximum number 30 ages 16 – 30
30th October International Young People’s Short Film Festival
Creating Bridport’s first international youth film festival at The Electric Palace with workshops including Robert Golden and film screenings with short films from the Changing the Story project Izazov! and others.
The Forum Theatre and other work continues at the Town Hall. Forum Theatre led by River Associate Trained Artist with Cardboard Citizens.
In the evening we have a screening of Don’t be Nice with Q and A as part of the Spoken Word workshops led by Shaniqua Benjamin. There will be a donation of £5 to help cover costs including popcorn. This is a massive gift to TCFT by the film makers as the film has only been shown in the UK at Rich Mix. It is a multi award winner in the USA and a complete inspiration.
Door and Bar open at 6pm
Screenings and presentations from 7pm – 9.30pm
Electric Palace
31st October
The creative work continues.
1st November Cabaret and Conversation and Supper
6.30 for 7.00 pm – 9pm in Bridport’s Historic Town Hall.
A sharing of the week’s work and conversation with supper.
This is for everyone and will include Forum Theatre, Music, Painting, Spoken Word and much else.
Access available through the lift on the ground floor – tourist board entrance
With special thanks to Symondsbury Manor, Electric Palace, Bridport Town Council, Dorset Community Foundation
with Dorset Performing Arts Fund and many others.
Full list of all contributions and thanks to follow shortly.
What happens next?
Please put the dates in your diary.
Events Booking Form for the Film Festival and Cabaret Night opens on 10 October.
Crowdfunding Campaign starts on 10 October
London events information updated by 12 October